Call for Art

CALL FOR ART – Prospectus

2025 Juried Dream Art Exhibition
Held in conjunction with the 2025 virtual conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams
21-25 June 2025

DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES:  11:59 pm GMT, Tuesday, 15 April 2025   

Eligibility: We are accepting original artwork about or inspired by dreams.* You do not need to be a member of IASD or a conference attendee to participate in the IASD Juried Dream Art Exhibition.

*The jurors will be open-minded about the relationship of the artwork to dream content when selecting the art pieces, so long as the work was inspired by a dream or dreams during sleep (including lucid dreams) or by shamanic dreaming. Note: an entrant can create a piece inspired by someone else’s dream.  

Media: All two-dimensional and multi-dimensional media will be considered, including painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, and video.

We are not able to accept performance art or entries that are strictly sound-oriented (e.g., music). However, performance artists and sound artists may consider submitting a proposal for a special event for the conference program. Note that the deadline for these submissions is 31 December 2024 at this link:

Criteria considered by the jury in reviewing entries for the exhibition will include: 

  • Professional quality.
  • Relation to dreams or dreaming. See the Eligibility definition earlier.
  • Completeness and quality of supporting documents. Incomplete documentation or vague, unclear statements may disqualify an entry. 
  • Quality of digital files; out of focus or poorly composed images will be rejected.

All work accepted for the show will be added to the IASD online dream art galleries, unless you specifically request that we not do so.  This online gallery will be promoted during the conference and become a part of archives for the IASD Dream Art Exhibitions.

One artist will be selected by the jury to be featured in an article in the fall edition of the internationally acclaimed magazine Dreamtime.   

Entry requirements and general information

Each artist may submit up to five (5) art pieces. The entry form also allows you to upload two (2) additional detail images, total, to show detail. 

General information requested on entry form:

  • Contact information
  • A biographical sketch
  • An artist statement – describe how your work is dream-related. 
  • Feedback on how you heard about this exhibit.  

Information for each artwork submitted:

  • Art submission information:
    • Size of work (height x width in inches)
    • Medium or media (if mixed) used for each piece 
    • Price in US dollars, if for sale


  • Image requirements:
    • Files should be in JPG format only. 
    • Images should display in the proper orientation, with resolution set at 72 dpi and sized to open no larger than 8” x 10” (regardless of orientation).  Minimum file size is 1 megabyte per image and maximum file size is  3 megabytes per image.
    • Image file names should include the artist’s name and an image number (e.g., Smith1, Smith1detail, Smith2).
  • Video entry requirements:
    • Include an image from each video in JPG format, conforming to the image requirements above.
    • Provide the link to where the entire video can be viewed by the judges and conference attendees (e.g., on YouTube).

HOW TO ENTER: All works must be submitted using the Online Entry Form.

Click HERE to view or download a SAMPLE COPY of the Online Entry Form in Microsoft Word format. We recommend that you read the Sample Entry Form to become familiar with the information required, before going to the actual Online Entry Form.

Click HERE to go to the ACTUAL Online Entry Form and submit your works. Important: Fill in all required fields (indicated with asterisks) and press the Submit button at the end. You will immediately receive a confirmation email. 

Notification of Jury’s Decision:

It is planned that all acceptance notifications will be sent by email by the end of April 2025.

Submission fee:

There is a NON-REFUNDABLE submission fee of $25 (€23) per artist. You must pay this fee if: 

  • you are NOT registering and paying for the main conference; or
  • you are a full scholarship awardee and have registered as such. 

For others submitting art, the submission fee is waived if you are registering and paying for either a single day or the whole conference. In addition, you can register using the presenter discount on the Presenter Registration Form.

Conference registration is not required for the art submission, but if you wish to register for the conference, please go to the conference main page,, and click on the Registration link. 

Membership in IASD is not required but does allow you to register for the conference at a discounted rate. For membership information, check the IASD web site ( 


  • If you would like your work to be eligible for sale, please include contact information to be posted with art in our online galleries
  • Art sales are between the artist and the customer.  IASD appreciates a donation from sales (suggested donation 20% of sale price)

Questions? Please contact the IASD Arts Committee at this address (Subject line: IASD Conference Art Entry Questions)                            

The deadline for entries is 11:59 pm GMT

Tuesday, 15 April 2025

Thank you for your interest in this IASD Juried Dream Art Exhibition. 

We look forward to sharing this creative experience with you!